Eye pathologies
If the eye is longer than normal or the cornea is very curved, the light rays are focused in front of the retina and not on it. This refractive defect causes a bad vision for far. In general, myopia arises in young people and stabilizes along with growth. Myopia can be corrected with glasses, with contact lenses or through a Laser Surgery intervention.
If the eye is shorter than normal or the cornea is very flat, the light rays are focused behind the retina and not on it. This refractive defect causes poor near vision. In a young person the defect can go unnoticed by the great capacity of accommodation of the lens. Over the years, the lens hardens, the capacity for accommodation decreases and hyperopia becomes manifest. Hyperopia can be corrected with glasses, with contact lenses or through a Laser Surgery intervention.
If the curvature of the cornea is greater in one direction with respect to the other, resulting not in a sphere (like a segment of a soccer ball) but an ellipse (like a segment of a rugby ball), the light rays are focused on the retina in 2 different planes. This refractive defect causes poor vision for far and near. This defect can occur alone or associated with myopia or hyperopia. Astigmatism can be corrected with glasses, with contact lenses or through a Laser Surgery intervention.
With age, the crystalline lens loses its elasticity and its capacity for accommodation to see nearby objects. This refractive defect causes a difficulty to see up close. Such defect arises, generally, from the 40 years and progressively worsens until the 60-65 years. The Presbyopia can be corrected with glasses, with contact lenses or through a Presbyopia Surgery intervention.
The Cataract, consists of the progressive opacification of the Crystalline, which hinders the clear and clear perception of the objects. The lens, is a lens that is located immediately behind the pupil. For different reasons, the crystalline lens can begin to lose its transparency, and therefore, its optical qualities. This situation is called Cataract. The treatment should always be Surgery.