• Visión Clinic

    We are a high-tech clinic, applied
    to the research and development of a procedure
    that allows the change of eye color.

  • Procedure

    Do you want to know more about the clear eyes project?
    Learn about our procedure and start today.

  • Visión Clinic

    For the first time in Latin America the possibility
    of changing the color of your eyes in a painless
    and outpatient way.

  • Visión Clinic

    We are a high-tech clinic,
    applied to the research
    and development of a
    procedure that allows
    the change of eye color.

  • Procedimiento

    Do you want to know
    more about the clear
    eyes project
    about our procedure
    and start today.

  • Visión Clinic

    For the first time in
    Latin America the possibility
    of changing the color
    of your eyes
    in a painless
    and outpatient way.

  • Visión Clinic

    We are a high-tech clinic, applied
    to the research and development of a procedure
    that allows the change of eye color.

  • Procedure

    Do you want to know more about the clear eyes project?
    Learn about our procedure and start today.

  • Visión Clinic

    For the first time in Latin America the possibility
    of changing the color of your eyes in a painless
    and outpatient way.



In last years, in Europe and the US, a new technique has been developed for the change of eye color, Cosmetic Iridoplasty.

This procedure allows to change the color of the eye through the application of a laser safely and accurately, removing the pigment layer from the anterior part of the iris, which is responsible for the color of each eye.

This technique does not allow to choose the final color of the eye, but if it allows to clarify them, and in some cases, leave them a green or blue color.

For now the procedure is only available for light brown, amber, hazel or green eyes. It is not available on dark brown eyes.

Successful surgeries
+ 0 k
Eye color changes
+ 0
Years of experience
+ 0

Do you long to have clear eyes? Today that dream is possible

Eye color types

color-cafe (1)

Brown eyes

ambar (1)

Amber eyes

avellana (1)

Hazel eyes

color-verde (1)

Green eyes

color-azul (1)

Blue eyes

Today the ancient desire of clear eyes is clinically and technologically possible.

This procedure consists of the application over the iris of a YAG Laser. The Yag Laser has
been widely used in Ophthalmology for its safety in emitting large amounts of energy in a very short period of time (Q-switched). This energy allows to eliminate (Photodisruption) selectively the focused point without altering the neighboring tissues.

The laser is focused on the anterior pigment layer of the iris. This layer is composed of melanocytes that contain melanin inside which is what gives the color to the iris. The blue irises do not have this pigment layer, the green irises have very little developed and the brown irises always have it, being thicker while the brown is darker.

The procedure is painless and is performed on an outpatient basis.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any question?

It is a procedure that by using a low energy laser removes the pigment from the iris of the eye to change its color.

The color change is achieved by removing the brown pigment from the anterior layer of the iris. Once this layer disappears, the eye acquires a green or blue-gray color.

No. At this stage we are only doing the procedure in the colours of light brown, amber, hazel and green irises. We are not doing the procedure in dark brown eyes.

Because it is not possible to clarify so much. People with dark brown eyes have pigment in the stroma, under the previous pigment layer, and that pigment can not be removed with our laser.

Yes, probably. With the advances in laser technology, the stromal pigment will be eliminated.

No. The procedure removes the brown pigment and the resulting color will also depend on the characteristics of the iris stroma, for example, amount and thickness of fibers, pigment between the fibers, etc.

Until now, selecting light brown eyes we have seen that 3 or 4 sessions are enough to achieve an iris clearance.

The sessions are done with a rest period of 1 or 2 weeks between them.

After each session the vision is blurred. That day is recommended to rest. The next day you can make a normal life.

The patient must be over 18 years old and ideally under 45 years old.

The medical follow-up does not ensure that the pigment will not return, but apparently during the first 12 months in the first patients, there is no re-pigmentation in any of them.

Until now the results indicate that the treatment causes only transient increases in Intraocular Pressure, without causing a permanent rise. That is, it does not cause Glaucoma.

There may be transient increases in eye pressure, mild inflammation (red and light sensitive eye) and blurred vision immediately after each session. We have not seen long term complications.

No. The procedure is performed with a laser, neither the doctor nor the staff has contact with the patient’s eye.

Yes. Fundamentally to rule out that the patient has other diseases.

Yes. Previous refractive surgery does not influence the procedure.

Yes. Visual defects such as myopia, astigmatism or hyperopia do not influence treatment.

Yes. Above all, it is the treatment indicated for people with Heterochromia.

Influences indirectly because people with dark skin tend to have more pigment in the iris.

Yes. There are international studies that were done on rabbits with good results and
especially showed that the procedure is safe.

Patient Testimonials

Experiences of those who trusted us

Claudio D.

28 years old, Engineer, Santiago.

“I always wanted to get that spot out of my eye. Now that the technology exists, I did not hesitate and I am very happy with the result.”

Cristina I.

45 years old, Doctor, Santiago.

“I am very happy with the result, I have the same color eyes that my grandmother had. On the other hand, my exams are still normal, which leaves me very calm.”

Susana N.

38 years old, Early Childhood Educator, Viña del Mar

“The procedure is completely painless, the recovery is very fast and the result exceeded my expectations. ”

Alex Z.

39 years old, Doctor, Santiago.

“I like the color of my eyes but I had some spotes that I wanted to get. In one session they disappeared. It turned out very well.”

Katherine V.

49 years old, Teacher, Rancagua.

“I’m very happy with the result, it’s a procedure that really works.”

Sandra H.

49 years old, Researcher, Santiago.

“The procedure is safe and effective. Post procedure exams proved to be safe. Dr. Schiappacasse was very attentive and warm, he gave me a lot of confidence.”